Sleeping Giant Coffee Roastery & Retail

26 Selden St Unit C Woodbridge, CT 06525

Wednesdays 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saturdays 9:00am - 4:00pm

All coffees found on our website are for sale in our shop. Just stop on by during our retail hours to grab a bag or two!

Cafe Partners

crossroads. coffeehouse & bakery

1878 Hartford Tpke. North Haven, CT 06473

Serving Sleeping Giant Coffee on Espresso and Drip

East Rock Coffee

49 Cottage St, New Haven, CT 06511

Serving Sleeping Giant Coffee on Drip:

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe (light), Guatemala ASOBAGRI
(medium), and Dark Roast Blend (dark)

East Rock Breads

942 State St, New Haven, CT 06511

Serving Sleeping Giant Coffee on Cold Brew & Pour Over

Assorted retail bags available wholebean (or ask to grind)

Retail Partners

Thyme & Season

3040 Whitney Ave, Hamden, CT 06518

On the shelves in 12 oz. bags:

Colombia, Dark Roast Blend, Decaf Peru, Rwanda, DR Congo,
Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Honduras Light Roast.

Westville General

910 Whalley Ave. New Haven, CT 06515

On the shelves in 12 oz. bags:

Guatemala ASOBAGRI, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, Dark Roast Blend

Whitneyville Food Center

1248 Whitney Ave, Hamden, CT 06517

On the shelves in 12 oz. bags:

Colombia Sol Naciente, Peru Minca, Dark Roast Blend, Decaf Guatemala, Decaf Dark Roast,
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, Guatemala ASOBAGRI, Rwanda Dukunde Kawa, Sumatra Aceh Highlands

Big Y Foods - North Haven

345 Washington Ave. North Haven, CT 06473

On the shelves in 12 oz. bags:

Colombia Sol Naciente, Decaf Peru, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe,
Guatemala ASOBAGRI, Sumatra Aceh Highlands

Big Y Foods - Meriden

533 S Broad St, Meriden, CT 06450

On the shelves in 12 oz. bags:

Colombia Sol Naciente, Decaf Peru, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe,
Guatemala ASOBAGRI, Sumatra Aceh Highlands

New England Coffee Guy

Serving Sleeping Giant Coffee on Drip & Espresso at select events

Inquire with New England Coffee Guy about purchasing beans